Create a free venue page for your business, add venue photos, and promote and manage your offers in minutes through our 'VooduVibe My Business' (VMB) web application...

VMB was specifically designed for juuj business users to reach out and attract nearby juuj users...

Consistent with our aim of stimulating a vibrant environment where our users can interact with one another, VooduVibe My Business (VMB) has been specifically designed to serve and empower our juuj community.

More precisely it was created to support businesses where people gather to socialize. This includes restaurants, bars, cafés, theatres, clubs, and other types of Social Vibes.

juuj-up your business with VMB...

Acquire customers and manage off-peak dips in business activity in moments

Starting a new business and looking to acquire customers? Experiencing dips in activity during off-peak days or hours? Or simply looking to grow your business?


After you’ve created your business page you can quickly create and promote offers that appear on our users’ Social Vibes feed.

Once active, your promotion targets users within 5-miles of your establishment

By targeting nearby juuj users, VMB enables a more focussed promotional strategy resulting in a higher rate of offer uptake and customer acquisition.

Generate value for your business by providing value to your customers

We provide the tools you need to succeed

After you’ve created your business page you can quickly create and promote offers that appear on our juuj users’ Social Vibes homepage feed


The diversity of our users is what makes our growing juuj community so exciting. We feel strongly that empowering and engaging our users is at the heart of offering them a unique social experience.

People are naturally attracted to the energies of like-minded people

By providing our users with basic statistics about the number, median age, and gender split of other users registered to attend your venue, we afford them  information they might find useful in selecting their social experience.

We engage our juuj community by empowering our users

Get Started Now!!

Download juuj to your device and sign-up!

Launch VMB from juuj’s in-app main menu or you can simply sign-in to

Create your venue page and start posting offers!!